Saturday, March 20, 2010

Weak start to Club season JPP 3-20-10...

Boy did I struggle today! My deeper jerkbait bite never materialized at all. We caught around 8 small fish all day, and the only way we could catch them was shallow, and most came on the little shad rap.

Good news is the boat ran great, so there's that. Winner had 9+ lbs, so I've got some work to do at Center Hill in April.

Until next time,



Unknown said...

what happen Mr AOY 2009? I fished Wylie in my 3rd tournament. I had 18plus in practice but dropped the water on me and my big bite on a crank dried up. Thank goodness mr Bitsy bug works on the east cost. It helped me to 10 lbs flipping docks and a 5th place. I am only 2 points out of 1st I think. 3 club tournys and got, 2nd, 2nd and 5th. Not bad for a new guy.
You just better hope I dont come back. LOL! You should whack em on Center Hill, Tim will bomb. LOL

Blog Host said...

well- I had a toad of a smallie last week in Weekend Series, only fishing like 3 hrs with boat problems. So, I figured, i'd try to go big on the jerkbait, and I never had a freakin bite on it. i had to go shallow late with the Shad Rap just to avoid a zero. it's tough out there right now. Worst spring for me on PP as far as numbers in 5 yrs. Water was still in 40's downlake last weekend. My big mistake was not fighting the crowd uplake in the warmer water. With all the boats and low water, I went down to avoid the crowds.
Heading up to the Hill this weekend to start looking. later