Saturday, March 6, 2010

March 6th-cold water....

Headed out to scout for my first Weekend series event next weekend. We stayed down lake all day, and the water was ranging between 39-44 degrees all day. The fish didn't cooperate at all. We fished deep, shallow, and in between (flats, bluffs, 45 deg banks, you name it). Finally, around 1 pm I bumped into the nice largemouth pictured here. She crushed a jerkbait on my favorite 45 degree bank near the bridge. One fish in 8 hrs!

As it turns out, that fish would have possibly gotten me a check in the BFL. Only took 7.9 lbs to win it.

Wow, is it ever tough!



Unknown said...

Nice Fish Rob.

Blog Host said...

Thanks. Saw your Toledo report. This winter hs set everything back a month.