Saturday, June 18, 2011

June F3 tourney Sat. 6-18-11...

Omar and I headed across the river to a major creek at first light and I caught the first keeper of the morning on a buzzbait. Then, we moved to the marina slips and I caught 2 more keepers on a spinnerbait. We then eased over to a round point and deeper flat adjacent to the marina, and we caught 4-5 on a crankbait, and by 7:15 I was culling fish. One of the crankin fish was the biggest of the day at 16 1/2".

We moved out to a major creek point off of a duck blind, and I caught a nice 15 3/4" largehead on the rig, but no one else was home. We bounced around in the creek for another hour or so, but we couldn't find them.

We eased down river to Cage's Bend, and I was able to upgrade a small amount flipping wood and grass, but by now the weather was turning nasty. We ran quickly down to Cedar Creek Marina and waited it out for an hour or so. We fished a awhile in Cedar, but the fish did not bite well after the thunder and lightning.

We ended our day back in the creek we started in, and Omar was able to add his third club keeper of the day off of the marina slips.

On the day, I had four legit keepers for around 8 lbs, and 5 that counted in the derby for 9.4 lbs. I ended up second to Bill, who had over 10 lbs.

It was a tough day, but not too bad all in all. If Omar and I had been in a team tourney, we'd have had around 11 lbs on our best 5.



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