Sunday, August 29, 2010

2 Day BWS Divisional - OHL 8-28 and 8-29.....

Wow, was it tough on everyone. The fish have scattered, with the most consistent bite being schooling fish in the creeks. My ledge fish were gone.

The first day I caught two keepers on a trap in the jumps and also landed around 10 short fish. To tell you how truly crappy the fishing is, my pitiful 3.55 lbs put me in 15th place out of 36 boaters.

Day two was a disaster. The schooling fish were not eating lures well at all, and we only caught 3 or four in the jumps. My non-boater caught one decent 2 lb keeper, and I weighed in zero (nada; zilcho; nuttin honey). We caught around 15 on the day, but they were all dinks.

I ended the year in 9th place.

Here is a link to the results so you can see how terrible it really was:

On to Priest for our last club deal and then the Regional BWS at Lay Lake in October.




Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Sorry for the rough tournament, Rob. I can't figure out what has happened to the fishing but it is awful.
