Saturday, June 26, 2010

OHL Weekend Series 6-26-10...

I caught a limit of around 8 lbs by 8:30 am in a creek downlake. This was right in line with my gameplan, which was to catch an early limit shallow, and then head out wide to upgrade the rest of the day.

I was only able to cull one of the smaller fish on a main river channel bank littered with wood. It came about 20 minutes before we had to be in on a big worm. We caught a bunch of fish on the ledges, but they were all small.

All in all, it was a good day. I had 10.40 lbs and fisnished in 11th out of 46 boats. This moves me up to 9th in the AOY race with two events to go before Regionals.

Congrats to Tim Sheets from our club who fisnished 2nd on the non-boater side and had big fish.

Until next time.


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