Sunday, May 2, 2010

Hold your rod low (5-1)....

Despite the sketchy weather forecast, Carl and I decided to break out the rain gear and head to JPP on Saturday for a little bass fishing. We had to cancel our trip to Guntersville this week, so we were itchin to go.

We launched at 6 am and headed toward Four Corners to try moving baits on some flats. The crankbait didn't seem to interest the fish, but we did catch around 6 bass on the Pop-R off of the big rocks. Herschel lost a solid 3lb class fish here too (not to mention the two plugs he broke off on the shore).

The storms started moving in on us around 7:30, so we ducked in to a marina slip and hunkered down for a couple of hours.

When the severe stuff subsided, we headed out to fish a stumpy flat near the marina. We hung around 7 more fish here, including two legal keepers. Carl caught the best of the bunch, which was a nice 3 1/2 to 4 lb LM.

The weather started getting rough again, so we decided to put it on the trailer for a while. We wanted to fish in a major down-lake creek, so we just drove down there, and since we were already soaked, we put the boat back in there. We proceeded to catch around 17-20 more fish here over the next hour and a half. The weather started to deteriorate again around 1 pm, so we gave up and headed home.

Totals for the day: 32 fish with five legal keepers; best five was around 11 lbs.

Everything we own is soaked, but it was worth the trouble.

Until next time, tight lines.


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