Saturday, October 24, 2009

Sat 10-24-09 Sat am tourney Priest...

Blasted off at 8 am from Fate Sanders. Headed down lake to a point at a bluff end just under the bridge where I've been catching them well lately. We threw crankbaits for an hour or so in that area, and we caught 4-5 fish, but the biggest was a 14 1/2" LM. Moved down to an island near Suggs Cr, but only two small fish here on the crank.

The wind was HONKIN big time, so we went to fish a jig on a fairly protected mini-bluff in a major creek down lake. Two bumps on the jig, but they weren't eating it well. From here we headed to a western shore bank near the YMCA camp that was fairly protected from the wind. My partner caught a 12 1/2" spot here on the crank, so we had one in the box.

Next, we went to a main bluff bank near our starting place. Again,they were just nipping at the jig, and we only caught a couple here. We decided to head back to the bank where we started the day, and we proceeded to catch around 6 more fish, with one being a solid 15 1/4" keeper largehead.

We now had less than two hours til weigh in, so we needed to make a move and go for a big bite. The next and final stop would be a main lake point at the head of a cove near LHSP. When we got down to the point, I felt an ever so slight tap on the jig, set the hook, and I knew it was a good one of some kind. The fish kept digging, and when we got her in the net, it was an 18 1/2" 4 lb brownie (pictured here).

We headed in with our three keepers, and weighed in 6.75 lbs, which was good for 6th place (only paid 3). My smallie just missed the big smallmouth prize (winner's was 4.5).

Good day all in all. Around 15 fish, and 3 keepers.

Tight lines.


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