Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Recent fishing on Old Hickory Lake

I've spent the last month on OHL trying to pattern fish in the dog days of summer.

The Army Corps of Engineers has not been generating any current, so the ledge fishing has been spotty at best.

A friend of mine and I fished PBF on Old Hickory two weekends ago, and all I can say is, what might have been. He broke off a 4 lbr right at the boat, and 30 minutes later, I lost an absolute pig in the 6-7 lb class. Those were the only two fish we lost all day, but they were the ones we needed make a run at first place. We ended up with a limit just shy of 9 lbs, which put us in 23rd place. With the two we lost, we'd have had between 16-17 lbs (good for 2nd or 3rd and big fish pot)- OUCH!

The patterns I have working now are as follows:

1. Early morning bite around docks and marina slips (tons of shad fry).
2. Shallow cranking bite on flats in the major creeks in the mid-lake area (3-5 ft).
3. Deeper cranking secondary drops half way back in the same creeks (6-12 ft).
4. Creek channel drops with slow moving baits (6-15 ft).
5. Dirt shallow flipping bite way back in the creeks in the shade.

The good thing is I'm on multiple patterns in a relatively small area, so I don't have to waste a lot of time running around. The bad news is the bait is moving day to day, and the fish are moving with them.

We have our August F3 tourney on OHL on 8-16, and I am fairly confident that I can catch a limit of 14" fish. The wild card, as always will be the key big bite, and whether I can actually get the good ones in the net.

Heading back out to pre-fish this Saturday, and I will report back on what I find.

Tight lines,


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