Wednesday, July 20, 2011

F3 OHL 7-16-11....tough on me...

We headed out of Davis Corner right at safe light and eased across the river into Station Camp to throw topwater early. I was not able to run down lake to where I had been catching them because my buddy Chris was fishing a money tournament, and I didn't want to get in his way.

We started on a major creek point up shallow on the grass edge. I caught a 12 1/2" fish on the second cast on a buzzbait, but that was the only fish I caught. Sam managed to land two decent club keepers behind me on a worm.

We moved back to the marina slips to try and catch a few before the sun got too high. I zeroed here, and Sam added his third of the day on the worm (hello- message to Rob- they're not chasing today!).

We moved around to a couple of other spots in the creek, but nothing doing. Since I was struggling with my plan to get five small ones early, I decided to ease out to the main river and go for a big one. We threw worms along the river channel on some deep wood just upriver from Spencer Creek. I missed on fish here, and that was all that bit. Ughhhh- really was wishing I could be down lake on my best stuff.

We made a move down lake and hit two ledges near Avondale, and I was able to catch my second small club keeper of the day, and Sam rounded out his limit, but the bite was really slow. Eventually, I threw in the towel, and we ran back up to Station Camp to finish the day on the point where we started. I worked the boat out to the sweet spot on the point that has a good bit of brush on it, and we commenced to getting bit. Sam upgraded three or four times, and I was able to scratch out a pitiful club limit of 5 1/2 lbs. I had reserved 30-45 minutes to hit the main lake wood before weigh in, and I told Sam that once I had five we were gone.

Just as soon as I caught my 5th, Sam jerked back on a solid 3 3/4 lb fish on the worm, so I decided to just stay on these fish and hope for another good bite or two. It never happened, so at 11:49 we ran back to the ramp to turn in our weights. I ended up with 5.6 lbs, which was sixth out of 9 anglers; my worst performance of the year by a long shot.

Sam had 4 real keepers and one 14" one for around 9 1/2 lbs.

Sorry day for me, but there will be another day.


Monday, July 11, 2011

Struggled on the big pond- TBT July event KY Lake...

After two pre-fishing trips to KY Lake I had found a grand total of 3 potential schools of fish for DD and I to work on Sunday.

We launched at Buchanon Resort near Paris, and when our number was called, we did a quick U-turn and fished the marina slips for 15 minutes. Dwayne lost a keeper on a blade, and I landed a solid keeper on a big worm.

Next, we made the long 35 mile run South to a cut near the Hwy 70 bridge where I had found some fish the day before. They never came up schooling like on Saturday, but we were able to catch 5-10 fish here on a jig and rig, but only two of them would keep.

Around 7:00 am, we headed upriver three miles or so to a big bay near Eva boat ramp and looked for a ditch running off of the creek channel that a buddy of mine had told me about. We found it without too much trouble, and we cast down the West side of the ditch, fishing it for 75 yds or so. Once we got to the Northern most end of the ledge where it started to turn to the East, we got into a nice school of fish on the rig and big worm. They were sitting just on top of the flat, and we stuck around 12 fish here in a matter of 30 minutes or so. The problem was they were all just a little too small. Most of them were 13-14 1/2" long, which is short of the 15" limit. Rather than sitting on that school and milking it dry, we opted to head out to the main channel and fish our way back North.

We hit around 15 different drops between New Johnsonville and Paris, and we never landed another fish.

It got so hot by 1 pm, that we gave up and headed back in. Since we are not in the points race, we just let the 3 keepers go, and headed back home all hot and tired.

It was a very disappointing day. I'm sure if we'd have stayed on our first two spots that we would have weighed in a limit, but we were fishing for the win, and the quality did not seem good enough in that area.

Until next time.