Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Pre-turkey day bassin trip...

Took a day off today to head to Preist for a little fishing. Hit the lake around 8:30 am and headed down-lake to fish a deep bluff. Fished there for 1 hour- nothing, nada, zilcho.

From there I eased over to one of my favorite early Spring transition banks. Threw a jig for 30 minutes and landed two beautiful smallies. The largest was 18" and around 3 lbs.

Met up with a fellow fisherman on that bank, and he said he'd been catching a few on a shad rap, so I threw that for the next hour or so, and caught a 2.5 lb largemouth and two healthy spots.

Caught two more fish on a jig on another bluffy bank.

Then I fired up the Yammyhauler, shot the gas, and BEEEEEEEEP. The warning buzzer was going off, and the boat wouldn't get on plane. Figured I'd better limp back to the ramp to avoid any damage to the engine, so I put it on the trailer around noon and headed straight to Team Marine to drop the boat.

Good news is the service manager said he thinks it's just a clog in the oil filter or line, which is making the small tank on the motor read low. Should be a fairly easy and cheap fix (I hope).

All in all a good day. 4 keepers on 7 fish.

Until next time.